Wednesday, June 15, 2016

My thoughts on the Orlando Shooting, Omar Mateen, and the fate of this country

[Reposted from Facebook]

Just so y'all know, i'm not keeping it in anymore. You know where the unfriend button is if you dont like what im saying. You can disagree with me and we'll talk civilly about it but bullshit memes and feel good fiction aint cutting it anymore. Keep your thoughts and prayers to your self. Keep your flags crosses and bibles in your pocket. Keep your whitewashing, profiling, warmongering, hide in the basement fear that the sky is falling to your damn selves. America put a man on the moon and we can fix this ourselves with policy and compassion not war and death.

A good friend reminded me today that not only was this a massacre of human life that could have been prevented, it's ferocity is increased with every hateful word and every hateful action that others perform in the name of GOD. LGBTQ people are human beings, they just want to exist in peace and they are under CONSTANT attack from all directions just because they exist. This wasnt just about guns, this was about hate. It was about the hate that so poisons this country right now that people claim that these acts of mass murder are somehow justified by GOD and their religion. When we talk about just the guns we forget about the HUMANS that died who were just trying to exist and be free. Hijacking the message and the mourning to say "bad guns bad" is not the intent, but in this country all this hate and all these guns add up to a lot more of this type of thing. More guns and more hate doesnt fix it. Hate doesn't defeat hate.

People and the media are so quick to blame "the terrorists, over there" for this. Its not them. Its us. This is what our politicians meant when they said this is our problem. This is our hate baby. We birthed it, we nursed it with innuendo and sly jokes, and we brought it out into the world the full disgusting piece of filth that it is, on every mainstream tv channel, every day with "hate those people" .. hate the mexicans, hate the blacks, hate the gays, hate the people that disagree with us, hate the people that arent phanatical enough. Enough is enough, its time to stop, its time to start unwinding the hate coil that is wound so damn tightly now that our country is on the verge of destruction.  All you need to do is open your eyes and look around at who is hating who. Who is attacking who. I don't see isis flags on the corner, I see talking heads, people with big mouths and no soul, looking to gain from the hate. How could this have been prevented? Stop hating people that are different from you. Stop hating people who you percieve as lazy, when meanwhile the deck has been stacked against them for generations. Stop hating the person you do not know just because someone said you should hate them.

My thoughts on the Orlando Shooting, Omar Mateen, and the fate of this country

[Reposted from Facebook] Just so y'all know, i'm not keeping it in anymore. You know where the unfriend button is if you dont like w...